
Meet your Guide
Start the Hike, Keet Seel bound
Keet Seel bound, Page 2
Keet Seel bound, Page 3
Finally Arrived, Page 4
At Keet Seel Ruin, Page 5
At Keet Seel Ruin, Page 6
At Keet Seel Ruin, Page 7
Camping, then the Hike Back, Page 8
Final words from your Guide
Link to help plan your hike.
Lets Take A Hike To An Anasazi Indian Ruin
Keet Seel bound, Page 3


You are moving along fine. The good thing about this part of the hike is that it is relatively flat hiking up the canyon.


But, here comes another stream crossing. How many stream crossings are there??


Hell, I don't know. Never thought to count them. But, someone else did and he counted 32 of them. The stream is small and shallow in most places, but in a few places your feet and your boots are going to get soaked. In most cases you will be able to hop or step over the stream.

As you round the corner of the waterfall, pictured below, you will have some shade to rest before going up a switchback that takes you up to the top of the falls. If conditions will not allow you to hike on the canyon floor then this is where the "rollercoaster" part of the hike starts. Constantly going up and down steep swithbacks. Your legs are going to get a workout from this point on.



Look at those two above. They're smiling now. Wait until they start hiking up over that waterfall.


Did you have a nice rest, good. Did you drink lots of water, great! Well, lets get our sorry butts over this waterfall.